Author’s Table

Hi, my name is Gwendolyn and I am an author of a book titled “What Will You Allow To Abide In Your House?”. My second book will be published before the end of this year (2020). I want this platform to be inspirational based. I am open to responses and feedback in relation to the blogs and comments that appear on this cite. I am looking forward to gaining a base through the world of blogging. My book/s are open for discussion and I will quote many excerpts from them. Choose to feel free to give opinion on your own merit. I am a receptive type of individual and not apprehensive for good sound suggestion, ideas or direction. Thank you for your time and hope to make contact with you soon.


    This is an exciting time for me. I am on my journey as a writer, author, blogger; Inspiring people and overall to inform many that there is hope, as well as, to give support through encouragement to the heart, mind, and soul of individuals who believe and fear that all hope is gone. I am in pursuit to gain support of a large coterie of like minded people who can help spread positive attitude in the world today. Sincerely, Advocate for Hope, Gwen.